Awards & Recognition
- 1997: Project SBIR Region West Award, the 1997 SBA National Roland Tibbetts
- 1998: Small Business High Technology Institute's Franklin Jefferson Award
- 2002: SBA National Roland Tibbetts Award.
- 2007: South Dakota Rural Enterprise Giant Vision Award
- 2008: Four Bands Community Fund Small Business of the Year Award
- 2009: Army Research Office Challenge Medal: going above and beyond the call of duty
- 2009: Letter of Commendation office of U.S. Senator John Thune
- 2009: Letter of Commendation: office of U.S. Congressman
December 16, 2001 - Ground Zero Cleanup, New York City. OctaFlex provides environmental solutions for Ground Zero cleanup at the World Trade Center Disaster Site. When federal agencies involved with the World Trade Center cleanup needed a solution to the trail of asbestos left by trucks hauling debris, they looked to Timber Lake’s OctaFlex Environmental Systems.